Who was at fault?

With this system installed you know your fleet is save when it comes to having proof of what happened.

Not only can it help with insurance claims but can help with investigations and lawsuits aimed at your company for negligence.

Here you can see cab view, front road view and on both sides of the vehicle backwards. You have a 360 deg view of this incident. Giving you all the information you need.

Artificial intelligence

Who has the time to sit and look through a whole days footage. The latest in camera surveillance technology is here, the recording system actually looks for trends in driver behaviour and notifies you via alarm or email of what is currently happening in the vehicle. Here is a short video explaining how this system works.

What the AI system can detect from your drivers:


Front collision detection


Lane departure detection

What is an MDVR?

A mobile digital video recording device is used to record up to 5 channels of video feed on any vehicle.

It is not an entry level dash cam but a camera product developed for the fleet market. Robust and of high quality to make sure you are covered in the event of a theft and/or an accident.

Here is a little video introduction on what a MDVR is. Click on the image.